Hi, I’m Julie.
I Empower Seasoned and Emerging Leaders to Unlock More Joy and Confidence in Their Unique Leadership Style.

My Professional Journey Led Me Here.
Years ago, as a highly respected professional who was secretly floundering inside, I craved someone to support me in my unique leadership journey towards finding professional AND personal fulfillment. But I didn’t know where to start, and I didn’t know what to change.
I needed a voice of reason outside of my narrow perspective.
Someone to say: "I see you. I hear you. I understand you. Let’s do this together."
I learned - the long and hard way - how to direct my energy into the things that matter to me, to honor my unique purpose, and enjoy life’s journey. After redefining success and facing my internal blocks, I was able to honor and pursue my dreams as they evolved. Being true to myself has led me into a wildly fulfilling professional and personal life.
And I want to help you do it too!
It gives me energy and joy to see you, a leader, arrive at a place of peace and genuine contentment. It’s why I’m honored to nourish and empower the next generation of leaders.

My Coaching Style
Leadership Development Meets Personal Growth
As a certified leadership coach who also honors personal growth, I take the best of both coaching styles. Think of me as a blend between an executive coach and a life coach.
As a fellow leader striving for authenticity, I promise to create the space for you to feel seen, heard, and understood without judgment. To foster important mindset shifts and inspire action.
15+ years as a business-to-business marketer taught me a lot about relationships, communication, and reading between the lines. This background gives me a unique perspective on the messages we all receive from our internal dialogue and society's expectations. Our work together uncovers your core truths – the ones waiting behind your roadblocks.
Personal growth and professional development aren’t these big scary things we’ve made them out to be. Balance, satisfaction, and purpose in your work are still within reach. My unique approach spurs you towards growth and fulfillment in tangible steps – in all areas of your life to keep momentum for the leadership journey ahead.
My credentials include
✔️ Professional Certified Coach, International Coaching Federation (ICF)
✔️ Certified Professional Coach, Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC)
✔️ Master Practitioner, Energy Leadership Index, iPEC
✔️ Mental Fitness Coach, Positive Intelligence (PQ)
✔️ Member Affiliate, Institute of Coaching (IOC) McClean, Affiliate of Harvard Medical School
✔️ M.B.A. in Management/Strategy, Loyola University - Quinlan School of Business
✔️ B.B.A. in Marketing and Management, Northwood University
On days of rest, you can find Julie with her husband and pup-dog Charlie mindfully boating, hiking, exploring, or cooking up new business ideas and recipes.
Values that Ground Me as a Coach and Human
Experiencing and learning from life’s intriguing moments and gifts.
Showing up authentically and confidently without hesitation.
Being afraid and still choosing to pursue what you desire.
Gaining wisdom through reflection and action to move beyond old beliefs, perceptions, and behaviors.
Reveling in moments of delight that fill you up.
I Want to Hear Your Story. It Matters.
One of my greatest honors as a coach and human is to hear your story.

Owning Your Story Gives You the Power to Address Your Road Blocks.
Your personal and professional lives are intricately intertwined – they both deserve your attention. Your story is the key to understanding how to redefine your success for ultimate fulfillment as a leader (and as a human).
If you’re like me, society gradually conditioned you to believe success as a leader meant:
Sacrificing free time (and life) to perfect and exceed expectations, constantly
Working 60+ hours a week without the extra incentive
Seeking validation from being in high demand and working crazy hours only for fleeting satisfaction
It’s when I finally pressed pause that I was able to take a breath, reset, own my story, and begin to change.
Let’s counteract society’s definition of success together.
I’m here to ask you the questions you don’t let most people ask you. By welcoming a new perspective, you’ll learn to slow down and reignite your passions. To start saying yes to your authentic self – professionally and personally.